Direction Sports and dance direction

Sports and dance direction

Not all children dream of connecting their lives with sports. Some just want to learn how to move gracefully and dance. They dream of a stage, not a sports podium, and the admiring glances of the audience are more expensive for them than sports regalia. It was these wishes that we took into account when creating dance groups.
The sports and dance direction "AURAS OF VICTORIES" is incendiary variety performances using gymnastic and acrobatic elements.
Advantages of dancing:
• there are no age restrictions;
• less strict health restrictions;
• not as serious loads as in sports.
In all other respects, dancing has the same advantages as sports. Children train in the gym, develop physically, strengthen their health and regularly participate in outdoor festivals and competitions, traveling and expanding their horizons.
Dancing is an excellent choice for those who did not have time to enter the sport at the right age or had to leave it for health reasons. Your child will learn gymnastic and acrobatic elements without the exhausting race for the title of master of sports, will begin to love and feel music and his body, and of course will get into a warm atmosphere and a friendly team, where he will certainly find true friends, close in spirit.
We invite girls from 6 to 12 years old with any level of physical fitness.
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Our addresses Our addresses

How to find us?

The current addresses of the training halls of the Academy of Sports and Dance "AURA of VICTORIES":

The entire list of addresses
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ОГРНИП 319237500388659

Номер счёта: 40802810326280001862


ИНН: 231524019291


БИК: 046015207

Кор. счёт: 30101810500000000207

Юридический адрес компании: им Петра Метальникова, д. 5, корп./ст. 3, кв./оф. 108, Краснодарский край, г. Краснодар

We are
KMR, PMR, ZIP, GMR, FMR, Vostochno-Kruglikovskaya, ENKA, KKB, HUMR, the village of Yablonovsky, G.ELISTA,
+7 (988) 527-65-26